Diaper Bag Necessities for a Newborn AND a Toddler

Getting the diaper bag ready for a newborn as well as a toddler is a completely different ballgame! I've seen a lot of these posts but it's like allllllll of the contents have been sponsored... so here's a totally unbiased opinion on what to have available and what I'm actually going to be keeping in … Continue reading Diaper Bag Necessities for a Newborn AND a Toddler

Leaky Boobs and Oversupply. Oh My!

During pregnancy, I joined tons of different apps like The Bump and BabyCenter and I was part of multiple different Facebook groups related to pregnancy and motherhood. I read (nearly) every article under the sun about how to prepare for breastfeeding. So, when I'd start to see women that were just as far along as me, … Continue reading Leaky Boobs and Oversupply. Oh My!